Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Naomi is a really amazing photographer. She knows everything there is to know about photography, and she's comfortable both in front of and behind them. So when her photography teacher tells her that she was planning on quitting his class, she doesn't understand. Why was she suddenly quitting that class? Her teacher didn't know and neither did she. When she asked Will about it he said that it was because she didn't want to jeopardize her grade, she had thought that the project, that their entire grade was based on, was to risky. But when she pushed him more, he also told her that he thought that the process reminded her of her mom too much. That the first two or three years of photography had been technical, but now what they were doing in class was more like what her mom did.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Natural Beauty
“You’re still insanely, unfairly, torturously beautiful, and that’s the last I’m gonna say about it, Chief.” “Thank you,” I said. “You are welcome,” he said jauntily. “Glad to be of service.” He tipped an imaginary hat. “Don’t think I’m unaware that you were really just fishing for compliments.” “Yup, you see right through me,” I said.
Naomi is an excruciatingly beautiful girl with amazing blue eyes and extremely long brown hair, the main reason why her boyfriend likes her. But even though she's really beautiful and popular, she is still amazingly smart, and really creative. So when she cuts her hair no one even recognizes her, which she loves. Now she's trying out for the school play. She hasn't told anyone, including Will, her "bff", and she gets the part. This includes spending a lot of time with James, the boy who saved her when she fell and who she really likes. Boy, do I smell trouble!
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
She Love Me, She Loves Me Not
"I probably should have broken up with [Ace]. I didn’t, though, mainly for two reasons: one, I didn’t want to end it if it turned out that I really did love him (and I still held out some hope that my feelings would all eventually come back to me); and second, I’m a little ashamed to say, though it was probably the more important one, being with Ace made school easier. He protected me from those nasty lunch girls. Despite my memory being gone, I wasn’t a moron. With my multiple sweaters and not knowing who anyone was, I knew how I looked to people, and I knew how vulnerable my situation at school was without Ace to define me socially. Being with him went a long way in my campaign for normalcy."
Naomi does not like who she is, she does not like her "friends", and she definitely does not like her boyfriend Ace. She has nothing to talk to hime about and does not understand why she was with him in the first place. But she can't break up with him. Ace keeps her safe, he's like her shield, but she doesn't love him.
Oedipus Rex
Oedipus Rex, by Sophocles, was, in my opinion, a really interesting story. It was so abstract and different. I loved how he was married to his mother and had her children. That is so weird and funny and extremely sad. I liked the story itself, but i dec not like the length. I don't know why, but i felt like it took all of the characters twenty sentences to just say one thing. I do not understand how the actors were able to memorize the whole play. I also did not like the way they explained the really violent parts. It was painful to hear about Jocasta's death and Oedipus's reaction to it, blinding himself. But in all I really liked the story it was interesting and captivating. If i had not already known what was going to happen and what the story was about, I think i would have loved it and been so surprised at the end.
Monday, March 4, 2013
Let's Tango
"Aside from the flower, I hadn’t gotten much of a look at her in the car. In my head, I pictured the exotic kind. You know, a stripper, probably my age, with DDD breast implants and a fake tan, so I insisted he clarify.
“What kind of dancer?”When he said tango, I was slightly relieved.
“Do I like her?” I asked. Dad cleared his throat.
“It’s been difficult for you. With Mom. And everything.”
That meant I didn’t like her."
When Naomi first meets her dad's new fiancée, she's drunk and half asleep in the back of her dad's car. She had not liked her before and for some reason still doesn't. She knows her dad is in love, and she knows that he has never been happier, but she can't let it go. Even though Rosa is a nice person, and understands Naomi's situation, she can't warm up to her. While in her room she goes through her yearbook trying to understand who she had been. She tries making herself look like she had. Tries to become that same girl, but she just ends up chopping off all her hair. "If no one recognized me, they wouldn’t be upset when I didn’t recognize them either."
Sunday, March 3, 2013
“Your full name?”
“Naomi Paige Porter.”
“Where do you live?”
“Tarrytown, New York.”
“Good, Naomi, good. What year is it?”
“Two thousand and… 2000, maybe?”
Even as I said it, I knew it wasn’t right. Because if it was 2000, I would have been twelve, and I knew for sure I wasn’t twelve.
After falling down the stairs Naomi forgets everything. She doesn't remember her parent's divorce, her mother's new family, her father's engagement, her new jock boyfriend, Ace, or her amazing best friend, Will. Naomi, who was part of the in-crowd, is now a outcast. She does not know why she loves Ace, she doesn't understand why she's friends with who she is friends with. And she can't grasp why she was who she had become.
"But I am not Nataliya or Natasha, because at six months old I was delivered from Kratovo, Moscow Oblast, to Brooklyn, New York. I don’t remember the trip or ever having lived in Russia at all. What I know about my orphanhood is limited to what I’ve been told by my parents and then by what they were told, which was sketchy at best: a week-old baby girl was found in an empty typewriter case in the second-to-last pew of an Eastern Orthodox Church."
Naomi is a Russian orphan girl. Although she was born in Moscow, Russia and was abandoned by her parents, this has no effect on her. To her, being adopted was just a part of her past.
Memoirs of a Teenage Amnesiac is the story of seventeen year old girl, Naomi Porter, who stumbles down the stairs and forgets almost half her life. Having forgotten everything after puberty, Naomi tries to piece together her whole life. She tries to understand her choices and figure out what events changed who she was.
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