Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Oedipus Rex

          Oedipus Rex, by Sophocles, was, in my opinion, a really interesting story. It was so abstract and different. I loved how he was married to his mother and had her children. That is so weird and funny and extremely sad. I liked the story itself, but i dec not like the length. I don't know why, but i felt like it took all of the characters twenty sentences to just say one thing. I do not understand how the actors were able to memorize the whole play. I also did not like the way they explained the really violent parts. It was painful to hear about Jocasta's death and Oedipus's reaction to it, blinding himself. But in all I really liked the story it was interesting and captivating. If i had not already known what was going to happen and what the story was about, I think i would have loved it and been so surprised at the end.

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