Sunday, March 3, 2013


“Your full name?”
“Naomi Paige Porter.”
“Where do you live?”
“Tarrytown, New York.”
“Good, Naomi, good. What year is it?”
“Two thousand and… 2000, maybe?”
       Even as I said it, I knew it wasn’t right. Because if it was 2000, I would have been twelve, and I knew for sure I wasn’t twelve.

        After falling down the stairs Naomi forgets everything. She doesn't remember her parent's divorce, her mother's new family, her father's engagement, her new jock boyfriend, Ace, or her amazing best friend, Will. Naomi, who was part of the in-crowd, is now a outcast. She does not know why she loves Ace, she doesn't understand why she's friends with who she is friends with. And she can't grasp why she was who she had become.

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